Path to a Livable Planet

What do we mean by 'Heal Ecological Damage'?

HEALING. That's the key word. It means more than most people think. Find out here...

Research: Deer and Gardens (Videos)

Deer are considered pests for eating garden plants. But like other mammals, they can learn and their species-intelligence can make them into collaborators in the garden. Our EcoPeace Treaty with the Deer and garden plants is amazing.

Research: Lodgepole Pine Trees and Bark Beetle

Our longest running research study started in 2007 and continues to this day. We are helping selected forested areas in Colorado maintain health during and after the Pine Bark Beetle infestation...and again as fires raged in 2020.

Research: Emerald Ash Borer and Ash Trees

An insect from China is blamed for the mass death of Ash trees in the US. Dr. Jim Conroy asked their species consciousness about that. "The Emerald Ash Borer expressed to me, 'We don’t want to kill the Ash trees; Ash trees are our food.'"

Video: Experimenting with an EcoPeace Treaty with Deer

Experimenting with the leading edge of the new methods: Mediating an EcoPeace Treaty with Deer!

Videos of Results: golf course, soybean field, and pond algae

3 videos show early EcoPeace Treaty agreements: golf course greens, algae in a pond, "unwanted plants" in a soybean field.

Research: Healing Trees and Forests after the Camp Fire, Paradise, California, 2019

Images of a slide show explains how trees can live after a fire with Jim Conroy, PhD, The Tree Whisperer's work... or they can "fail."

Research: Healing Ecological Damage after the Thomas Fire, California

This post is a series of slide images telling the story of how Dr. Jim Conroy, The Tree Whisperer®, worked with trees burned in this fire. Barely surviving trees didn't fail but set up a sustainable growth cycle.