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Basia Alexander for

Why and How to Partner

Partner With Nature in 10 Easy Ways

Anyone can do these 10 easy ways to Partner With Nature. It all starts with loving Nature and enjoying InterPlay with Nature.
Why and How to Partner

What Does "Partner With Nature" Mean?

Perhaps you've experienced partnership in life. It's usually about a mutual goal, mutual efforts and mutual exchange. How do you do that with Nature?
Connect with Trees & Nature

Video: WHY have a connection experience, part 1

Why would you want to have a connection experience with a tree?
Learning and Fun

Reading List for

Books on the Reading List
Path to a Livable Planet

Enlightened Stewardship: Move from "me" to "we" for forest communities

How do you move from "me" to "we" in the care of our forest communities?
Connect with Trees & Nature

How to Communicate Directly with Nature

Nature Communication is an open-minded and heart-centered experience.
Connect with Trees & Nature

How Do You CoCreate With Nature?

CoCreating? It's a mutual endeavor. It rests on a solid foundation of communication and collaboration then goes further. Unlike most negotiations, CoCreating means that each party works to make sure the other gets what they need.