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Basia Alexander for UPSHIFTED IDEAS

UpShifted Ideas

Our Top 10 BIG IDEAS

"Big ideas?" Yup. We got 'um.
UpShifted Ideas

What do we mean by the BioBalia network of ideas?

These interlocking ideas add up to Nature InterPlay™ the BioBalia Way.
UpShifted Ideas

What do we mean by 'upgrade human thinking?'

Same old thinking gets you the same old results. New thinking, enlightened or UPSHIFTED thinking gets you the results you want.
UpShifted Ideas

Re-Enchantment for Adults

Conferring aliveness to what seems to be not alive. Mysterious existence.
UpShifted Ideas

So, About the Future...

The "New Normal" of our own making--What should its components be?
UpShifted Ideas

A New Way to View Climate Problems: "I am Earth."

Take an imaginary adventure by becoming the living Being called Earth!
UpShifted Ideas

It's February 1st, 2026. Where are YOU?

2026. 5 years from 2021. That baby is now 5 years old. What is the world like? I consulted my future self and she described what life is like and how humanity got there.