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Enlightened Stewardship

What is the Journey to BioBalia? Partnership and InterPlay with Nature

BioBalia is the environmental condition that emerges when Nature's BIOlogy is in BALance, highly interconnected, working in partnership, in sync and whole.

Enlightened Stewardship: Move from "me" to "we" for forest communities

How do you move from "me" to "we" in the care of our forest communities?

How Do You CoCreate With Nature?

CoCreating? It's a mutual endeavor. It rests on a solid foundation of communication and collaboration then goes further. Unlike most negotiations, CoCreating means that each party works to make sure the other gets what they need.

What do we mean by 'upgrade human thinking?'

Same old thinking gets you the same old results. New thinking, enlightened or UPSHIFTED thinking gets you the results you want.

Talk: Mend Trees in Climate xTREEmz

How a Consciousness-Based Collaborative Approach Might be Humanity's Last Hope for a Livable Planet

Talk: Be the Tree: Humanity's Last Hope for a Livable Planet

How a Consciousness-Based Collaborative Approach Might be Humanity's Last Hope for a Livable Planet

What do we mean by "Enlightened stewardship?"

It means becoming Nature-Centric rather than human-centric. Huh? Find out what that means, too.

We support Ukraine and Nature with Mindful Methods

What can you do to support Nature and the people of Ukraine from your own backyard?